-I might have in me the power that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost have
-on Friday March 31st 2017 like I was told to I went by Bus to Mount Maunganui the next town
-and at the base of the small mountain MAUAO
-I repeated by the Surf Beach at Marine Parade over and over the line
-Bop Bup Bup
-and with that started my incredibly powerful miracles
-maybe damning myself to get them. Like in each line of Bop Bup Bup
-there are six figures of 'B' or 'p'
-or like '666'
-Bop Bup Bup. Each word spelt like God
-so with that I might have the same power as
-Bop / God. Bup / Jesus Christ. Bup / Holy Ghost
-over night the night before I went I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in themed groups
-Bop / Bup / Bup. Like for three Universes. Every Solar System almost has themed planets, barren planets, Moons and sea beds etc. With their miracles altered in a parallel Universe
-the Parade had them in full oversized 'CHINA' / CHRISTIANITY costumes
-before I left that morning I was told to scan the pages of DC Comics' WHO's WHO comic. And Post the themed groups
-Who's Who. Maybe God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost look the same. Who's Who. And now I have their power. Who's Who. Each planet, Moon etc across all their Universe has the same theme of miracle